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Public Budget Reviews

The chamber will have representatives who attend and keep chamber leadership informed about proposed budgets which are presented at various budget hearings. Budgets reviewed annually include: Cowlitz County, Kelso and Longview School Districts, CDID #1, Port of Longview, Cities of Kelso and Longview.

  • Maintain a presence at budget hearings for public entities.
  • Keep the chamber board of directors updated on the process and any recommendation needing attention.
  • Make and distribute a final report to the board of directors. Make the report available to members of the chamber.

Budget and Finance

Chair: Jason Meunier, Fibre Federal Credit Union
Work with President/CEO to prepare and present the annual budget to the board of directors.

  • Conduct financial reviews on projects generating non-dues revenue for the chamber.
  • Recommend short and long-term investments.
  • Assure the chamber's annual financial review is completed; make a report to the board upon completion.
  • Ensure that the chamber is providing appropriate resources to address its programs and that it is following good fiscal policy.

Education Foundation Committee

Chair: Melissa Boudreau, Kelso School District
Staff Contact: Bonnie Delaney

The Education Foundation Committee primary focus is to bring business and education together in our high schools, community college and business community in Cowlitz County. We believe investing in the next generations through summer employment, internships, job shadowing and scholarship offerings. We bring business owners into the classrooms to see what skills are being taught and how they translate to future employment opportunities. The committee also assist with the planning of our Annual Pillars of Strength and Crystal Apple Awards Banquet that recognizes exceptional leaders and educators in our community.

Lower Columbia Professionals Committee

Co-Chair: Katie Keaton
Secretary: Teedara Wolf
Treasurer: LaDonna Stacey

  • To promote and encourage the next generation of business and its professionals through community involvement, networking and education.
  • LCP strongly supports education and the future success of our youth by raising thousands of dollars each year for graduating high school senior scholarships. Funds are raised through a variety of events hosted by LCP and it’s generous donors and supporters.

Government Affairs Committee

Chair: Dale Lemmons
Board Liaison: Rich Gushman
Staff Contact: Bonnie Delaney

  • Promote policies and legislation that will assist in the success of business.
  • Cooperatively conduct legislative, candidate and other forums for the membership and community.
  • Ensure the chamber is providing information and resources to members on current issues that affect our business community.
  • Be the voice of the members by working with city, county and state officials on legislative and protecting our member’s best interest.


  • Legislative Briefings - every Monday 7 AM via ZOOM during the Washington State Legislative Session.
  • Monthly Meetings after the conclusion of Session. These are generally on the first Monday of each month. Monday holidays are moved to the second Monday.

Board of Directors

President: Jason Gentemann
President-Elect: Sean Kiffe
Past President: Marlene Johanson
Vice President: Pam Whittle
Treasurer: Jason Meunier
Chamber Counsel: Michael Claxton

The Kelso Longview Board of Directors are responsible for establishing procedure, formulating policy and sets the vision and goals of the chamber.  In unison with the chamber staff, the Board of Directors advocate for a strong business community and strives to make Kelso Longview and the surround areas a great place to live, work, shop and play by influencing public policy, aiding in economic development and helping our members succeed.