Help The Community House On Broadway reach their goal by the end of July!
Their 14th Annual Cares Campaign is currently underway with a target of raising $500,000 by the campaign's conclusion in July.
All proceeds go to the Youth Shelter for unaccompanied teens facing homelessness. This will house 48 teens (24 boys and 24 girls) and is scheduled to open in September. Kelso/Longview/Castle Rock school districts currently have about 106 documented teens who are unaccompanied and homeless. Community House is fundraising and in real need of donors to make this happen, with inflation the cost is going up daily.
If interested, donors can schedule a tour with Community Coordinator, Chelsea Allison and or Executive Director, Frank Morrison.
How you can donate: Online at or mail a check into Community House on Broadway at 1105 Broadway, PO BOX 403, Longview WA 98632. They will also publicly recognize and advertise businesses with large donations.